Sunday, November 15, 2009
Among the matters still to be khilaf among scholars' music is legal. The scholars' since ancient times has tried to analyze this problem based on the understanding that there are evidences standardized with uslub istinbat Hokum sebagimana listed in the statutes of Islamic law. Music continues to be one issue which is difficult to judge decided. Scholars and jurists' has berijtihad in determining their legal and terbahagia into two groups; those who require and those who are banned. Each has its own arguments in understanding the evidences related to this matter.
In real time has been experiencing a rapid growth compared with the beginning of Islamic era and subsequent periods in the greatness of Islam as a major world power. If the first, normal rhythm can not be heard unless the councils or clubs music and singing. First tools only playing music and iramanya only heard by groups such as wine drinkers-drinkers and men who are classified as members pondan Fasiq and disobedience. Among men who have the perfect nature kelelakian considered 'embarrassment when playing or listening to music rhythm. Now, everything has changed. Modern material world witnessed a remarkable revolution. Music can now be heard in anywhere. Not only the TV or radio, modern human beings can hear various types of music, no hassles attend the meeting or club music. Men are always hearing or tidal wave nasyid duf (small tambourine) or through cassettes and similar dendang is biasaa things that do not humiliate and overthrow dignity. [i] music-music that is heard through TV or radio to be used for programs such news, events or migration from one plan to another plan that is not the real cause 'embarrassment to the listener at the present time.
According to waqi 'changing customs and uruf or Muslims who converted, writers try peel back the real question becomes a question mark most Muslims in the present. In this short pamphlet writers will try to present the views of scholars' past and present and try to make conclusions at the end of this debate.
mysterious ideology Wahabbi
The word 'Wahhabi' writing in the West have different descriptions. All lead to the flow of Islam viewed as evidences to hold al-Quran and al-Sunnah literally and refused to see a more modern interpretation or interpretation of a rather 'western influence'. Clinton Bennet enter 'wahhabis' Deobandis and below groups 'traditionalists' which means that once under the flow of 'fundamentalist' (see: Muslims and Modernity 18-20, London: Continuum).
Some Western view of writing as a flow that considers Wahhabi 'Islam is the religion of truth', must uphold the 'Islamic State', there is 'jihad' against the kuffar and other characteristics of the elements considered 'desert' once associated with attempted terrorism.
In Malaysia, the word 'Wahhabi' is the word mystery. What least, people who call or defamation others using the word, but they do not understand. For them, it is a weapon to defend yourself when criticized. I still remember, at one place in the North, when there are priests who charge for prayer and recital, he criticized the abuse of religious attitudes to self-interest, he simply replied: "who disagree with me he Wahhabi". Adviser probably not exposed to a lot of information and first heard the word is, terpinga-pinga asked: "what is a Wahhabi?". Reply tok imam: "Who is he criticizing ustaz Wahhabi". But the brave 'advisers' opinion that differs with the 'tok imam' questioning and 'infallibility' ustaz, so afraid Wahhabi.
In some places a person accused Wahhabi practices as opposed to superstition. For example, pause the slideshow or a particular person as the sultan teacher beliefs can add to the profit or income, or tie a black thread in the hands of a newborn faith rejects the transmission or demolition and the haunted part of nonsense various communities. Unfortunately these practices not only get the blessings that some called 'Ustaz', but they cause. If there is criticized, to defend themselves then 'sang Ustaz' is easily the mention: 'you Wahhabi'.
Similarly, those who do not agree with the late feast accused Wahhabism. Even though the old Malay kitab al-Talab Bughyah essay Sheikh Daud al-Fatani itself states: "(and makruh) more bid'ah death for those who make the food people eat all menserukan whether he planted before him and after him as awarded most people (and thus more) makruh more bid'ah for all that he listens to answer the call ". If they can not accept their own material, why they feel themselves Infallible, and forbid others to use them with different weapons 'you Wahhabi'.
Some religious groups, they read and spread the history-history that pushed; Israliyyat as the conflict with the evidences of Islam, hadith or false stories or Sufi saint who makes people confused about the sophistication of Islam. They distribute in the talks and make some capital for 'business' them. Islam became blurred with the stories and the cause of this great religion seems like a 'cartoon' and 'high quality'. If there is a rebuke of the speakers; answer 'you Wahhabi'. Although the fiscal was never even read the book of Muhammad bin 'Abdul Wahhab.
Worse when the issues used by the Wahhabi religious authority. If public officials or the religion that they sealiran with bertarekat, or readers hadith false and comedy, but any teacher who taught only the Quran and authentic Hadith and do not agree with the confusion that will be listed as Wahhabism and forbids teaching in mosque and prayer room. Name sultan will be used.
At the same time they leave a clear disobedience here and there, then sibukkan with revivalist groups that do not threaten society altogether. If you have it, the threat is thought to kejumudan and conservatism, not to society. To justify busy with this group until they left intrinsic disobedience, they said: "This is dangerous because Wahhabi". What is Wahhabism? Answer their Wahhabi Wahhabism is! This attitude became more heat when the emergence in Malaysia 'flow kuffar nation' called Ahbash that associating with some religious parties.
At a higher level, the term Wahhabism applies to those who are not bound by al-Shafi'i sect. Apparently, those who do not follow the Wahhabi sect. I have called evidences of scholars about this in the articles of the past.
Exactly as mentioned by Dr al-Qaradawi:
"Among the taksub does not allow those who follow a sect out of it, even though some problems in a clear proof that the sect followers mazhabnya weak. Until they described as a sect out anyone who does not berpendirian. This act requires that any fact that is not prescribed by Allah "(Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Al-al-Islamiyyah Sahwah bain al-difference al-Masyru 'wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum, p. 202, Cairo: Dar al - Sahwah).
What is interesting in Malaysia, some of 'their' when the 'advisors' bank, to meet the needs of banks operating in the name of Islam, they also agree with the views taken without regard to law sect. Even the views Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah rh taken so many problems in this Transactions. This is because, throughout the world views he had always been collected in advance of the Muslim community. Even though 'some of these' meetings outside the bank ber'elaun ', they accuse Ibn Taimiyyah Wahhabi, and anyone who agrees with Ibn Taimiyyah as' Wahhabism'. Even outside their banks in cahoots with those calls or misleading Ibn Taimiyyah.
So when I first became classics, when I give Padangan prohibition spying (tajassus), can not say salam muslim, compulsory membinkan father to his father even though the original non-Muslim mosque for Chinese people, an area to receive views and others, the opinion - this view accused by some religious parties as a Wahhabi. Though the opinion discussed in the West if considered in the flow of Modernism or rationalism and opponents may be added to the group of Wahhabism.
In Malaysia, on the contrary, that opens the Wahhabi and error, that is a closed 'membolot Truth'. Here's how to think that dominate sectors of government and religion hurry 'decay' of government power that is. How to think that way too controlling the flow of some religion in opposition. That is why perhaps, fifty years of independence, non-Muslims not only do not understand the increase, but increases tension and confusion about Islam.
Actions they remind me to this article entitled Fundamentalisn David Brubaker vs. Modernism: A Consideration of causal Conditions that resistance against reform refers to the problem of survival over the group. In an effort to continue to live and a place in society and government then the reform will be resisted. For me, the issue is not actually Wahhabi, but worry ignorance place and position. However, when they feel there is room for 'position' issues such as banking earlier, they can also receive different views without accusing the bank gives a monthly allowance and allowances meeting as' bank Wahhabi sect.
David Brubaker mentioned for survival they had to choose between two 'occomodation or resistance'. So, in that many Malaysian accused of Wahhabism, but it is alleged mystery. I also have not denied that Wahhabism is considered to compromise itself in part opinion. However, to accuse other people just because Wahhabi dissent, it is the attitude of trying to live in the Adam's apple era of globalization.
Some Western view of writing as a flow that considers Wahhabi 'Islam is the religion of truth', must uphold the 'Islamic State', there is 'jihad' against the kuffar and other characteristics of the elements considered 'desert' once associated with attempted terrorism.
In Malaysia, the word 'Wahhabi' is the word mystery. What least, people who call or defamation others using the word, but they do not understand. For them, it is a weapon to defend yourself when criticized. I still remember, at one place in the North, when there are priests who charge for prayer and recital, he criticized the abuse of religious attitudes to self-interest, he simply replied: "who disagree with me he Wahhabi". Adviser probably not exposed to a lot of information and first heard the word is, terpinga-pinga asked: "what is a Wahhabi?". Reply tok imam: "Who is he criticizing ustaz Wahhabi". But the brave 'advisers' opinion that differs with the 'tok imam' questioning and 'infallibility' ustaz, so afraid Wahhabi.
In some places a person accused Wahhabi practices as opposed to superstition. For example, pause the slideshow or a particular person as the sultan teacher beliefs can add to the profit or income, or tie a black thread in the hands of a newborn faith rejects the transmission or demolition and the haunted part of nonsense various communities. Unfortunately these practices not only get the blessings that some called 'Ustaz', but they cause. If there is criticized, to defend themselves then 'sang Ustaz' is easily the mention: 'you Wahhabi'.
Similarly, those who do not agree with the late feast accused Wahhabism. Even though the old Malay kitab al-Talab Bughyah essay Sheikh Daud al-Fatani itself states: "(and makruh) more bid'ah death for those who make the food people eat all menserukan whether he planted before him and after him as awarded most people (and thus more) makruh more bid'ah for all that he listens to answer the call ". If they can not accept their own material, why they feel themselves Infallible, and forbid others to use them with different weapons 'you Wahhabi'.
Some religious groups, they read and spread the history-history that pushed; Israliyyat as the conflict with the evidences of Islam, hadith or false stories or Sufi saint who makes people confused about the sophistication of Islam. They distribute in the talks and make some capital for 'business' them. Islam became blurred with the stories and the cause of this great religion seems like a 'cartoon' and 'high quality'. If there is a rebuke of the speakers; answer 'you Wahhabi'. Although the fiscal was never even read the book of Muhammad bin 'Abdul Wahhab.
Worse when the issues used by the Wahhabi religious authority. If public officials or the religion that they sealiran with bertarekat, or readers hadith false and comedy, but any teacher who taught only the Quran and authentic Hadith and do not agree with the confusion that will be listed as Wahhabism and forbids teaching in mosque and prayer room. Name sultan will be used.
At the same time they leave a clear disobedience here and there, then sibukkan with revivalist groups that do not threaten society altogether. If you have it, the threat is thought to kejumudan and conservatism, not to society. To justify busy with this group until they left intrinsic disobedience, they said: "This is dangerous because Wahhabi". What is Wahhabism? Answer their Wahhabi Wahhabism is! This attitude became more heat when the emergence in Malaysia 'flow kuffar nation' called Ahbash that associating with some religious parties.
At a higher level, the term Wahhabism applies to those who are not bound by al-Shafi'i sect. Apparently, those who do not follow the Wahhabi sect. I have called evidences of scholars about this in the articles of the past.
Exactly as mentioned by Dr al-Qaradawi:
"Among the taksub does not allow those who follow a sect out of it, even though some problems in a clear proof that the sect followers mazhabnya weak. Until they described as a sect out anyone who does not berpendirian. This act requires that any fact that is not prescribed by Allah "(Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Al-al-Islamiyyah Sahwah bain al-difference al-Masyru 'wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum, p. 202, Cairo: Dar al - Sahwah).
What is interesting in Malaysia, some of 'their' when the 'advisors' bank, to meet the needs of banks operating in the name of Islam, they also agree with the views taken without regard to law sect. Even the views Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah rh taken so many problems in this Transactions. This is because, throughout the world views he had always been collected in advance of the Muslim community. Even though 'some of these' meetings outside the bank ber'elaun ', they accuse Ibn Taimiyyah Wahhabi, and anyone who agrees with Ibn Taimiyyah as' Wahhabism'. Even outside their banks in cahoots with those calls or misleading Ibn Taimiyyah.
So when I first became classics, when I give Padangan prohibition spying (tajassus), can not say salam muslim, compulsory membinkan father to his father even though the original non-Muslim mosque for Chinese people, an area to receive views and others, the opinion - this view accused by some religious parties as a Wahhabi. Though the opinion discussed in the West if considered in the flow of Modernism or rationalism and opponents may be added to the group of Wahhabism.
In Malaysia, on the contrary, that opens the Wahhabi and error, that is a closed 'membolot Truth'. Here's how to think that dominate sectors of government and religion hurry 'decay' of government power that is. How to think that way too controlling the flow of some religion in opposition. That is why perhaps, fifty years of independence, non-Muslims not only do not understand the increase, but increases tension and confusion about Islam.
Actions they remind me to this article entitled Fundamentalisn David Brubaker vs. Modernism: A Consideration of causal Conditions that resistance against reform refers to the problem of survival over the group. In an effort to continue to live and a place in society and government then the reform will be resisted. For me, the issue is not actually Wahhabi, but worry ignorance place and position. However, when they feel there is room for 'position' issues such as banking earlier, they can also receive different views without accusing the bank gives a monthly allowance and allowances meeting as' bank Wahhabi sect.
David Brubaker mentioned for survival they had to choose between two 'occomodation or resistance'. So, in that many Malaysian accused of Wahhabism, but it is alleged mystery. I also have not denied that Wahhabism is considered to compromise itself in part opinion. However, to accuse other people just because Wahhabi dissent, it is the attitude of trying to live in the Adam's apple era of globalization.
Salah satu perkara yang mengusutkan dan membimbangkan pada zaman ini ialah persoalan samada mendengar dan bermain muzik itu dibenarkan atau tidak dalam islam. Bukan mudah untuk memahami bagaimana persoalan ini muncul. Ini kerana dilihat tiada kritikan secara terus yang menentang muzik dalam al-Quran. Lebih daripada itu, patut diketahui kenyataan bahawa muzik merupakan suatu perkara yang penting dalam kehidupan social masyarakat arab. Dilihat juga sesuatu telah meresap kedalam jiwa orang-orang arab tentang muzik sehingga Umayya ibn Abi’l Salt yang merupakan seorang yang memntingkan kemoralan dan menganggap hiburan tertentu itu berdosa, tidak menyatakan sesuatu yang menunjukkan dia menghalang muzik.
Pada masa ini, alat-alat muzik didakwa menjadi suatu perkara yang dapat menguasai manusia kearah keburukan. Ianya juga didakwa dapat menyeru manusia kearah pemujaan syaitan. Dalam kitab al-Aghani iaitu merupakan salah satu kitab yang terkenal telah menceritakan bahawa tiada halangan yang spesifik keatas muzik pada zaman permulaan islam. Tradisi atau sejarah ada yang menunjukkan nabi Muhammad s.a.w bertoleransi dan dapat menerima muzik yang berbentuk instrumental. Malahan, perkahwinannya sendiri dengan khadijah di raikan dengan muzik. Begitu juga semasa perkahwinan puterinya, fatimah. Sejarawan yang terkenal juga ada yang menyatakan bahawa ramai daripada ahli muzik yang menjadi sahabat nabi dan pengikutnya.
Pada zaman Harun al-Rashid, ahli-ahli muzik selalunya sukar untuk memperoleh keadilan di mahkamah. Ini kerana, Imam al-Shafi’ memandang rendah kepada keterangan lisan atau bertulis yang dibuat oleh seseorang yang berkecimpung dalam bidang kesenian terutama muzik kerana menurutnya keterangan ahli muzik tidak boleh dipercayai.
Apabila diperhatikan kesakitan dan akibat yang bakal diterima oleh ahli-ahli muzik, ada yang berpendapat bahawa kesenian muzik tidak akan berkembang di bawah islam. Pendapat atau jangkaan ini meleset kerana kesenian muzik juga berkembang pada zaman islam.
Pendapat atau pandangan nabi Muhammad s.a.w terhadap muzik mungkin dapat diterangkan dalam pelbagai sudut. Jenis muzik yang mempunyai puisi yang memuja kehebatan jahiliyyah mestilah dijauhi.
Muzik merupakan suatu keperluan kepada pelawat-pelawat ke tanah suci. Terdapat banyak muzik yang dimainkan dalam majlis-majlis tertentu dalam kehidupan masyarakat jahiliyyah arab. Muzik dibenarkan jika ianya memberi kegembiraan dan kepuasan dalam suatu majlis seperti majlis pertunangan, perkahwinan, ulangtahun kelahiran dan upacara perkhatanan.
Salah satu perkara yang harus diambil kira juga ialah semangat yang lahir kesan daripada muzik. Misteri kuasa muzik adalah sesuatu yang dapat dilihat dalam kehidupan masyarakat arab seharian. Evliya Chelebi iaitu seorang berbangsa turki telah menyebut tiga nama daripada seniman-seniman yang dikatakan telah membuat persembahan muziknya sebelum islam. Hanya satu nama sahaja yang terdapat beberapa bukti tentang kejayaannya dalam bidang seni muzik ini iaitu ‘Amr ibn Umayyah.
In a story in 2000 in the magazine guides black metal where the singer on stage to receive punishment for apostasy is painful because of apostasy, the story of this we can know that the influence of western music menberi many effects in our country, for example in western culture is real punk rock, black metal, rock and metal, etc., what is sad writer, reliable enough in our society imitating without knowing the origin of music and creativity is a purpose, but also have country western band in Yiddish until our nation is so affected by the default religious order.
The influence of western music is in terms of application used in the bands by the use of profanity and less fun. There is an individual who idolize certain people or groups because of interest or feelings of extreme love and love. and Islam has been put clear guidelines in this case so it does not exceed the limit in a matter. In Islam, worship of any creature or object other than God is the one thing that will bring him to associate. Let alone be the object of worship is Satan who is clearly an enemy position as a major Islamic people. According to Islamic teaching, all beliefs that do not glorify God is the oneness of deviant teachings. The absolute worship only Allah, not to the other thereof. According to the Word of Allah in Surah Az Zaariyaat, verse 56 means: "I created jinn and mankind so that they serve and adore my" Why ideology and teachings of this cult into him? There are several features that make the teachings as deviant.
The influence of western music is in terms of application used in the bands by the use of profanity and less fun. There is an individual who idolize certain people or groups because of interest or feelings of extreme love and love. and Islam has been put clear guidelines in this case so it does not exceed the limit in a matter. In Islam, worship of any creature or object other than God is the one thing that will bring him to associate. Let alone be the object of worship is Satan who is clearly an enemy position as a major Islamic people. According to Islamic teaching, all beliefs that do not glorify God is the oneness of deviant teachings. The absolute worship only Allah, not to the other thereof. According to the Word of Allah in Surah Az Zaariyaat, verse 56 means: "I created jinn and mankind so that they serve and adore my" Why ideology and teachings of this cult into him? There are several features that make the teachings as deviant.
Islam is a beautiful and perfect, every act mukhalaf limits and restrictions that have to do something in such matters, such as music, according to Islam it depends on the flow and type of instruments that didendangkan to listeners, in the time now that we can see in our country, much less influence the spread of increasingly healthy and reproduce in culture in this country, for example song entitled 'god is a girl, the song is to state that God is female, and without us realizing it, we sing the song with full interest without realizing it and we know the meaning of the song. In this chapter authors want to study the effects of the influence of music that impressed in the culture in Malaysia especially among the youth increasingly unstable current progress in the modernization and the rapid development.
Music in Malaysia no longer be a matter labeled as a requirement, but it has become a tradition that has been absorbed into the bosom of each youth in Malaysia, if we look at the present time concerts and cultural 'gig-gig' too much like a mushroom that grows after the rain, can be said of every month there are organized in places emphasis has always been a place of youth who gathered at Zouk like K.. L, Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe and Merdeka Stadium which is now no longer a place for football matches but has only become a place where all bands from all over come for the success of a large concert.
Music in Malaysia no longer be a matter labeled as a requirement, but it has become a tradition that has been absorbed into the bosom of each youth in Malaysia, if we look at the present time concerts and cultural 'gig-gig' too much like a mushroom that grows after the rain, can be said of every month there are organized in places emphasis has always been a place of youth who gathered at Zouk like K.. L, Planet Hollywood, Hard Rock Cafe and Merdeka Stadium which is now no longer a place for football matches but has only become a place where all bands from all over come for the success of a large concert.
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